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Examples of Struggles
What are some examples of Struggles that are harmful to your marriage?

Did your trust for each other evaporate in the first year when you fought all the time and never agreed on anything, got mad at each other and went to separate rooms to cool off but never said you were sorry or you were wrong?


Christian young married couples are struggling with unresolved conflict that has caused them to withdraw from each other into isolation and loneliness so one or both are unhappy and questioning their decision to marry the other.

Unresolved Conflict

Do you realize that unresolved conflict is destroying your marriage? Research results show that 90% of divorces are caused by Unresolved Conflict (arguments that go bad). Do you feel like you are not being heard? Do you talk but you are never understand?

Undivided Attention

The biggest challenge is not having enough Undivided Attention time together to resolve their conflicts and to reignite their romance. Even if they found the Undivided Attention time, they have no clue in how to resolve their conflicts and to reignite their romance God’s way and need some help.


To most couples, marriage to their soul mate is the perfect dream and they want their marriage to thrive. But they expect marriage to be easy and put very little effort into making it work. Selfishness by both the husband and the wife is the primary reason for failure. The problem is they underestimate the complexity of bonding two different persons into one person, emotionally, spiritually and physically.

They come into marriage as two very efficient, independent decision-making singles who are not willing to make the radical changes in scheduled priorities, beliefs, behaviors, preferences, as commanded by God, to become “one flesh” (one person).

They avoid training in God’s design for marriage and implement the bad training learned from observing their divorced parents. They are like a person who cannot swim who jumps into the deep end of the pool, drowns and cannot understand why they died. The reason is that they were never trained in how to swim. So if you cannot swim and jump into the deep end of the pool and expect to survive, you are going to be surprised because you are going to die. Same with marriage. If you jump into the most complex relationship with no training in God’s design for marriage (God invented marriage so His instructions work), then your marriage will fail and your family will die.

Struggle Story #1
Is this your Story of marriage struggles? Does this sound familiar?
You start arguments but rarely resolved them.

There are unresolved conflicts (arguments) between the two of you which have been building up over the years that have caused you both to slowly withdraw in self-defense that leaves you both unhappy and considering leaving.

Your pattern is dangerous.

Statistics show that the 90% of divorces are caused by unresolved conflict between the husband and wife that start in the first year of marriage.

You have started to withdraw from arguments in self-protection.

Statistics show that the 90% of divorces are caused by unresolved conflict between the husband and wife that start in the first year of marriage.

You have stopped talking and have started making your own separate decisions.

Your path of withdrawal has led to isolation, independent decisions, separate beds, and less than 4 minutes a day of undivided attention with each other.

Your trend is very dangerous to your future.

If the withdrawal trend continues, it will ultimately lead to emotional divorce by one of you causing death of the family and irreparable trauma to children. You don’t want this path to continue because a happy marriage was your dream but has become your nightmare.

Struggle Story #2
Or is this your Story?

You are in the early years (0-5 baby years) of your marriage. You think that you are living your marriage dream BUT YOU ARE IN DENIAL. Actually, you are living your nightmare and do not realize it yet.

You think you are living your dream

You have everything that you dreamed of in a marriage. You had a beautiful wedding and now you have a fantastic house, a successful career, wonderful children, long-time friends, constant vacations, with everyone healthy and most importantly, you and your spouse are saved through Jesus Christ.

But really you are living a nightmare and don’t know it

But you may also be “living your nightmare” which means that the two of you are arguing a lot, stopped talking to each other, you are growing apart and making self-centered independent decisions, no longer actively pursuing each other romantically, reduced (if any) quality and quantity time with each other, drifted away from Christ, constantly hurting each other’s feelings, much less romance, demanding more power and control, inept at conflict resolution, continuing withdrawal, isolation, which will lead to contempt THAT

Struggle Story #3
Or Is this your Story of marriage struggles?
The Drift

The drift in your marriage occurs over the first 10-12 years of marriage when 2 great people marry each other, stay very busy building an impressive business (mortgaging the future), raising 2-3 children, busy participating heavily in the church (out of guilt), busy as parents separately attending or leading many activities for his or child (often it is secretly your favorite child that you most relate to), exhausted at the end of each day (proud that many tasks have been accomplished and life for your children is good) but there has been little or no separate time for you and your spouse to talk, relate, share experiences, bond, intimacy.

You are drifting apart

Although well intended, this life style is slowly causing you to DRIFT APART. It is fertile ground for conflicts to remain unresolved and grow and fester until explosions, withdrawal isolation and withdrawal become a pattern. Lack of communication leads to misunderstandings.

Then an amazing phenomenon occurs

You think of yourself more as a parent, than as a husband or wife. You are sure that you do not really need the other that much and could probably make it alone as long as you get the children. Each parent starts seeing the great strengths of the other as weaknesses. Such as the wife may think : “I was attracted to him because he was strong, decisive, protective, safe but now I see him as unromantic, unaffectionate, unfeeling, distant, unengaged so I am vulnerable to anyone else that pursues me”. The husband may think: “I was attracted to her because she was gorgeous, loved my jokes, thought I was fun to be with, my best friend but now I see her as too busy and distracted with her new best friends, our children, and has no time for me to talk, joke, look good, bond, be intimate so I am available for whoever will.”

Beware of the Drift

My fatherly advice to you is to recognize THE DRIFT and avoid it.

Little things to reverse the drift

Your first step: Beginning today, give your husband or your wife, 3 compliments each day (things that you appreciate about him or her). Make a list of as many things that you appreciate about your spouse and add to the list every day. It is ok to re-use them regularly and be very mechanical in the delivery at the beginning. Then give 3 compliments (things that you appreciate about them) to him or her in different ways throughout the day (in person, text, voice mail, email, notes taped to steering wheel or in the sock drawer).

Unconditional, sacrificial service of each other

If you are getting your needs met by Christ. It is easy to do these things without expecting the other to reciprocate. The real benefit is for you because it reverses your image of him or her back to the way you saw him or her when you got married. You can do it even in the middle of your extremely busy schedule, if you are intentional.

Unexpected response

Unconsciously, the recipient starts seeing you more like you were when you married and stops looking outside the marriage. TRY IT! YOU WILL LIKE IT!

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