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The Reboot Training Academy can cost as much as $3000 for the Platinum Program, $1500 for the Gold Program, $1,000 for the Silver Program and as low as $500 for the Bronze Program. It fits everyone’s budget. It also includes an Annual Membership that offers many free resources. Every Program is an incredible value because they can save your marriage if you follow the recommendations of the Training Academy.

The Christian Marriage Reboot Academy is not a marriage course but an in-home marriage academy that is a life modification, reorganization, restructuring, re-prioritizing transformation from your Way (which you have acknowledged that is not working) to Christ’s Way (Romans 12:2) of Christ-centered scripted daily activities, behaviors and attitudes.

The Christian Marriage Reboot Academy is a Christ-centered marriage training academy, a 6-week, 42-day, 24/7, 1008-hour immersive journey that will renew your minds and unveil the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2).The Training Academy will save your marriage and cause you to fall in love with each other again. 

To be eligible for the Christian Marriage Reboot Training Academy, the couple must answer “yes” to four questions: Are you married? Are you both Christians? Are you struggling in your marriage? Are you willing to follow Jesus? If the couple honestly answers “YES” to the 4 questions, they are eligible to register for a Program, Apply Now and Checkout.

The goal of marriage, as ordained by God, is for you and your spouse to become “one person”. The Training Academy teaches that independent decisions by either of you automatically disrespects the other and causes you to withdraw in self-protection slowly becoming separate persons rather than “one person”.  So what is the solution to making independent decisions?  The solution is to make all future decisions by mutual agreement where both spouses must be excited or happy about the decision or you don’t move forward.  Your first thought is that mutual excited decisions are impossible but they are not, if you are smart and creative.  If you follow the Training Academy’s training, your every future decision can made with mutual excited agreement that creates victories after victories versus the constant defeats with independent and reluctant decisions.

Yes. The Training Academy will train you in how to biblically handle negative emotions by training in the Renewing of the Mind Project by Barb Raveling. You will love it. You will be trained to go to Christ first with your problems and “He will make your path straight.”
The Christian Marriage Reboot Academy prioritizes in your online shared calendar your 3 love relationships: The Lord Jesus Christ, each other and your children. Your biggest investment in them will be your effort, your energy and your time. The results will be that you save your marriage and you and your children are happy again.
If your marriage is struggling and you are concerned with the constant withdrawal and lack of emotional connection, you cannot wait one day in starting the process to reverse the withdrawal and reignite the romance. The Training Academy will immediately reverse the withdrawal by eliminating all independent decisions and training you to make ALL FUTURE decisions by mutual agreement where you both are enthusiastic about the decision or you don’t move forward. Then the Training Academy reignites the romance by prioritizing your 3 love relationships, Christ, each other and your children by increased time, undivided attention, 1 Corinthians 13 agape love behavior towards each other.

Undivided attention in a marriage refers to giving one’s full and complete focus to each other, without distractions or interruptions. This means actively listening and engaging in conversation, showing interest in each other’s thoughts and feelings, and making an effort to understand each other’s perspectives. Undivided attention can help strengthen the bond and deepen the connection between each other, and is an important aspect of a healthy and fulfilling marriage . When both spouses are able to give each other their undivided attention, it can create a sense of mutual respect and support that can help to resolve conflicts and build a strong foundation for a long-lasting and happy marriage.

During the 14 days prior to start of the 42 day Reboot Training Academy , there is 8 hours of Community Group/Coaches Zoom Meetings in Preparation for the Reboot Training Academy

Then the Reboot Training Academy begins:

6:00-6:30am Devotional, Prayer

6:30-8:00am Breakfast, doing everything TOGETHER

8:00-5:00pm Work/School/Day Care/Home

5:00-7:00pm Parenting, plan your weekly 7 Targeted Parenting sessions, Targeted Parenting will happen every day from 5-7pm for 42 days.

7:00-8:00pm Dinner – doing everything TOGETHER

8:00-9:30pm Husband/Wife Time, doing everything TOGETHER – Training Lessons on mutual decisions with enthusiastic agreement by both spouses and biblical marriage techniques every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday; every Wednesday and Saturday, you will have Fun Nights from 6-10pm when you build great memories again; every Friday night, you will join a Community Group of 6 young Christian couples in the same stage of life as you and a Christian Coaching Couple; every Sunday night, you will have a Weekly Planning Meeting at which time you will plan the next week by mutual agreement.

930-10:00pm Catch Up on the Day & Cuddle Time/

10:00-6:00am Sleep in same bed at the same time; doing everything TOGETHER

The Training Academy is very flexible in meeting the needs of different types of families. You can, but are not required to, select the type of Community Group that you join from the following selections: Second Marriage, Blended Family, No Children, One Child, Two Children, Three or more Children, Miscarriage or Infertility. The resources and training for the 2 hours of Targeted Parenting each day is very specific and comprehensive for each of these groups, especially for Blended Families.
All of the Christian Coaching Couples have extensive marriage counseling, marriage mentoring, marriage coaching, marriage teaching, marriage training experience. They are all in agreement with the Christian Marriage Reboot Training Academy Doctrinal Statement. They are senior pastors, Christian authors, preachers, or Christian leaders.
No. You are in full control of the Priority Scheduling of your days and weeks. You will be planning them weekly at your Sunday Weekly Planning Meeting. You can make adjustments to our recommended Schedule as you and your spouse mutually decide with enthusiastic agreement. Also you can make adjustments to your online Shared Calendar during the week, on-the-fly, as you and your spouse mutually decide with enthusiastic agreement
This is no time to wait. You situation gets worse each day. Register for the August Session today! It will be worth it to you and your children!!
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