The Reboot Experience solves the problem of “selfishness” in marriage by replacing it with unconditional sacrificial agape love toward each other.
The specific result of the Reboot Experience is that they can fall back in love again with their sole mate in the same way that they were when they married each other.
The Christian young couples will learn to schedule the time to make the relationships thrive with each other, Christ and their children and will learn to treat each other with 1 Corinthians 13 agape love.
The Reboot Experience will reverse the trend of withdrawal and isolation and reignite romance which will make them happy again.
The Reboot Experience will advance their work career and their child-raising career because they have been trained in operating as “one person”, as God intended, by communicating regularly and in making wise mutual decisions.
The Reboot Experience will improve their marriage relationship because they will experience the joy of the Lord because they know that their obedience glorifies the Lord.
The Reboot Experience will start the process of restoring your Beautiful Dream of your Marriage that you had when you wed, in accordance with God’s design for marriage.
The Reboot Experience helps couples learn how to communicate with each other effectively so they can argue less and enjoy a loving and fulfilling relationship together.